What is Weird 8?

Fake it until you make it. That’s been my motto for 2013.

Weird8 is my new home on the web.

Yes, I have a twitter account (@SokolowskiDave), and will be opening up a new Facebook page, but I need to have a place on the web that is application-neutral. A home away from home.

I’ve had blogs before, in various states, and I know what it takes to make them work. For better or worse, I really have no have choice other than to make this blog work.

This blog has three main components:

  1. Serve as a home for all writing things by Dave Sokolowski (that’s me). Starting next year, I will kick off a series of Kickstarters to produce gaming and non-gaming materials that I have written. This is the main place where I will talk about them.
  2. This will be a place for me to go “meta.” I will talk about why I’m writing things and, more importantly, how the whole social media thing applies to building a readership. If you want to learn first-hand how a writer goes from zero to hero (nice cliche’), then this is the place.
  3. I will just write about whatever I want, which will mostly include music reviews and interviews with other writers. The most important component of writing is to keep writing, so when I’ve got nothing specific to write about, I will write music reviews and interview other writers. Both will be fun and interesting.

So here we are at ground zero. If you’re reading this, then things are going much better than I would have anticipated. Everything flows from here.

Lastly, a huge set of thanks to Wade, who helped me get this thing up and running. Glad to have him as a friend, and more on his awesomeness later.
